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How to Keep the Cost of Divorce Down: What to Tell Your Family Lawyer

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If you want to keep the cost of your divorce low and avoid unnecessary conflict, you may want to consider going to mediation. Mediation can be less expensive and less time-consuming than going to court, and it can also help you avoid the stress and acrimony that often come with litigation.

If you want to keep the conflict and cost low during your divorce and opt for mediation, there are some specific things you can tell your family lawyer:

1. Express your willingness to mediate and communicate your desire to minimize cost and conflict

Let your lawyer know that you are open to the idea of mediation and that you want to try to resolve your divorce through this process. This will help your lawyer understand your priorities and guide you towards finding a mediator that is a good fit for your situation.

2. Focus on finding common ground

During your divorce, it's important to identify areas of agreement with your spouse and build on them. Let your lawyer know what issues you and your spouse have already agreed on, and what areas are still in dispute. This will help your lawyer and the mediator to focus on finding solutions that work for both parties and minimize any unnecessary conflicts.

3. Keep an open mind

Mediation involves compromise and negotiation, so it's important to keep an open mind and be willing to listen to your spouse's perspective. Tell your lawyer that you are willing to consider different options and that you are committed to finding a solution that works for everyone involved.

4. Prioritize the children

If you have children, make it clear to your lawyer that you want to prioritize their well-being and minimize the impact of the divorce on them. This can include minimizing conflict and working together with your spouse to create a parenting plan that is in their best interests.

5. Be respectful and civil

During mediation, it's essential to maintain a respectful and civil tone with your spouse. Let your lawyer know that you are committed to keeping the process as amicable as possible, and that you are willing to work with your spouse to find a solution that benefits both parties.

6. Set realistic goals

Mediation can be an effective way to resolve disputes, but it's important to set realistic goals for what you hope to achieve. Discuss your goals with your lawyer and the mediator and be willing to adjust your expectations as necessary to ensure a fair and reasonable outcome.

7. Focus on the future

Mediation is an opportunity to move forward and focus on the future. Let your lawyer know that you are interested in finding solutions that will work for both parties in the long term, rather than just trying to "win" in the short term.

By communicating your interest in mediation and your willingness to work collaboratively towards a resolution, you can help your lawyer guide you through the process and keep costs low. By being clear about your goals and priorities, and working together with your lawyer to minimize conflict and find a fair resolution, you can increase the chances of a successful mediation and a more positive outcome for everyone involved.

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Blog posts and podcasts are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice.

About the Author

Laura Tarcea

Laura is a family mediator dedicated to supporting families through divorce or separation. With a background in Mental Health, Research, Program Development, and a Master of Laws in Dispute Resolution, Laura brings valuable insight and critical knowledge to parents. She strongly believes that a healthy co-parenting relationship will protect children from short-term and long-term damage. As such, Laura is a supporter of out-of-court processes to help equip parents with appropriate tools to succeed in their next chapter.

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